Welcome to the website page exploring the history of Lurgashall Parish
The Archive room at the Village Hall is next open to visitors on Wed 15th & 29th JANUARY, 2.30 – 4.30pm. Contact: archive@lurgashallvillagehall.org
One of the many joys of looking after our village Archive is receiving contributions from people who used to live here or who still do. They seem pleased to know that their photos, documents, stories and other artefacts about Lurgashall will be treasured and kept safely here in the Archive, and we are pleased to have them to add to our growing collection and to share with everyone.
Here is just a selection of some of the wonderful gifts we have received over the last year or so, and we are incredibly grateful to all our kind contributors…
* A wood-framed slate writing board belonging to Roland (‘Bob’) Greenfield when he was at Lurgashall School – pupil no. 216 (1903-1913). The slate is cracked and the wooden frame that holds it together is broken but held together in one corner by a little leather strap. The school children would have used slate pencils or more likely white chalk to write on both sides of the boards. (Contributed by John Greenfield, Bob’s son)
* “Lurgashall School Diary of Events 1936-1946, written by children as they happened”.
This is a unique collection of handwritten entries by children at the school during this decade, along with original newspaper cuttings of royal events and the advent of war, and some accounts and photos of evacuees, school celebrations and sports days.
This photo shows the ‘Greens’, the winning sports team at School Sports day in the summer of 1941. (Contributed by Caroline Anstey)
* “A short History of Lurgashall School”, hand-written in a school exercise book by Mrs Townsend, long-time headmistress of the school until its closure in 1951. (Contributed by Caroline Anstey)
* The original, fully illustrated WI “Book of Lurgashall within Living Memory”, edited and illustrated by Elsie Gray of Beards (now Aldworth Farm) on Jobson’s Lane, 1958. (Contributed by Caroline Anstey)
Lurgashall Green – original painting by Elsie Gray, WI member, 1957
If you or anyone you know might have any photos, documents, stories or artefacts that you’d like to contribute to the Archive, please contact us at archive@lurgashallvillagehall.org