Everything but the kitchen sink! Equipment for hire

Did you know that Lurgashall Village Hall hires out its furniture, crockery, cutlery, glassware and almost anything else (except the kitchen sink!) that you might need for your party, picnic or big family barbecue? And did you know that the most popular item of hire this past year was…. the tea urn!

Wedding party June 2017

Have a look at our list of equipment for hire and our charges.  Our rates are very reasonable indeed.

To find out more, please go to our Booking page or contact the Booking Secretary on admin@lurgashallvillagehall.org

Support our Village Hall through the 50:50 Club

For as little as £1 per month (minimum three months), you can help support our Village Hall as a vital hub for the community.

New VH logoThe 50:50 Club aims to provide funds for the development, improvement, maintenance and operating costs of the Hall, for the benefit of everyone in the village.

Click here to see updated Club objectives and rules

By becoming a member of the 50:50 Club, you will be entered into a monthly prize draw with cash prizes, and a bumper prize at Christmas!

For further information, or to join the 50:50 Club, please contact the Club Administrator at stevecorr@hotmail.co.uk

Lurgashall Link Facebook Group – here to support

Lurgashall Link is a private Facebook group that operates like a notice board and is purely for residents of Lurgashall Parish.

It’s a space where our village community can interact and support one another and share up-to-date news, events, questions and neighbourly requests.

Let’s all become better connected.

If you are not on Facebook anf would like to get involved but don’t know how, please get in touch via email or phone and we’d be happy to help set up up.


Email: lurgashall.link@gmail.com

Tel: 01798 625687

Christmas BINGO – Sat 14 December 7pm, eyes down 7.30pm!

Eyes down for an evening of laughs and prizes at the Village Hall this Saturday!

Lurgashall Christmas Bingo evening is a great way to start the Christmas season.

Hosted by our bingo ‘master’, Sprog (aka Francis Dillon-Thiselton), it’s a laugh a minute as he calls out the numbers on the ancient Bingo machine!

Sprog’s wife Rose is in charge of prizes, and those lucky enough to win will go home with some great ones!

There’s also a raffle – for yet more lovely prizes.

Doors open at 7pm – £5 for a book of games.

Cash bar – free interval nibbles.


It’s all in aid of maintaining our Village Hall, so do please come along, support our hall, and have a fun evening!