Lurgashall Fete AGM – Tues 19 March, 7pm

The Lurgashall Fete Annual General Meeting will be held at the Village Hall on Tuesday 19th March at 7pm.  Anyone who has helped with the Fete in the past or plans to do so this year is welcome to attend.  As usual, refreshments will be provided.

There is still some money to distribute from last year’s Fete!  Applications must be submitted by email to no later than 12th March.


Quiz Night in aid of Lurgashall Recreation Association – Thurs 7 March, 7.30pm

Lurgashall Recreation Association (LRA) was set up to maintain our village Jubilee Field as a recreational space for the community.

Mowing the field, keeping hedges trimmed, managing the car parking area and keeping the field clear of litter all take time and money.

So, once a year the LRA hold a Quiz Night to help raise funds for looking after this lovely community asset.

It’s not too late to book a team or join a team for what promises to be a fun night!

Call Joanne on 07802 946220.

Easter Bingo – Saturday 23rd March, eyes down at 7.30pm

Easter in Lurgashall would be incomplete – and certainly a lot less fun! – without the wonderful Bingo Evening held at the Village Hall.

Once again the evening will be hosted by our excellent bingo caller, Francis (Sprog) Dillon-Thiselton, supported as always by his wife Rose.

Lots of prizes to be won – delicious interval snacks – cash bar.

Do come and join in the fun!  No need to book in advance.