Annual Horticultural Show at Village Hall – Sat. 17th August 2.30-4.30pm

Can you believe it? Lurgashall is this year celebrating its 40th Annual Horticultural Show, and it promises to be one of the best ever!

If you’d like to take part, Show Schedules and entry forms are in the village Shop, or email  If you’d like to just come along on the day, the Show is open to the public 2.30-4.30pm on Saturday 17th August, with lots to see, a raffle with fantastic prizes, and delicious teas.



Support our Village Hall through the 50:50 Club

For as little as £1 per month (minimum three months), you can help support our Village Hall as a vital hub for the community.

New VH logoThe 50:50 Club aims to provide funds for the development, improvement, maintenance and operating costs of the Hall, for the benefit of everyone in the village.

Click here to see updated Club objectives and rules

By becoming a member of the 50:50 Club, you will be entered into a monthly prize draw with cash prizes, and a bumper prize at Christmas!

For further information, or to join the 50:50 Club, please contact the Club Administrator at